Cloudy Sky

  • I'll Be Home for Christmas

    In the winter during what was supposed to be the trio's seventh year, everyone gathers to the Burrow for a special Christmas, nervous that Harry won't make it. Usual Potterness ensues, including twin!mischief, Mrs. Weasley's squealing, and romance.

  • Don't You Shiver

    A collection of my HP one-chapter poemfics. Mostly with Harry. Ships: Harry and Ginny.

  • Came Into My World

    Lily and Petunia go to Majorca. Lily, seven years old, meets James Potter and Sirius Black. Oh, my, what adventures we have! R&R, please? Thanks!

  • Love, Lily

    MWPP, L/J. Lily and James hate each other..it will change? ***ON A LONG HIATUS***