Kaze no Takuto

  • The Two Sides of Tetra

    Tetra and Zelda. Over the years Link and learned to deal with them both. The differences between them were clear, but there was one thing they certainly had in common: Link was absolutely irresistible to them.

  • Just for Tonight

    Both understanding the complex definitions of human beings and the horrible pain of losing a loved one, Wrath and Winry share an unforgettable night together. Wrath/Winry set during CoS

  • What it means to be a Woman

    Link inadvertently insulted Tetra's femininity and there's only one logical solution. A night of wild lovemaking of course. Telink

  • Present from a Princess

    So exactly what does a girl like Zelda get a guy like Link for his birthday after years together? Exactly what any twenty year old male wants. Lovemaking and bad jokes inbound

  • Killing Time in the Castle

    When ruling New Hyrule starts to lose its sense of adventure. Link and Tetra come up with their own ways to liven up their daily routine in a way that only they could. Telink

  • Passion in the New Kingdom

    Finally settling down in a land they can call their own, Link and Tetra enjoy a special night in the castle of New Hyrule

  • Heroes of the Sky and Sea

    When a time traveling accident sends Link and Tetra back to the early days of the Surface, a chance meeting with their predecessors might spiral into a whole lot more. Zelink Telink ahead