Unstoppable Cyborg

  • Grieved Whimper

    Krel has merged with Gaylen's core. Douxie refuses to believe he's gone. Douxie/Krel. Rated T for implied/referenced violence, death, and canon-typical Douxie being lowkey suicidal.

  • Seklos and Gaylen, They Were Cagemates!

    AU: Agents of Area 49-B are there during the chaos of the Eternal Night, and unnoticed they manage to capture two specimens: an emo wizard and an Akiridion prince. Douxie and Krel must rely on each other to make it out alive, but neither expected such a deep bond to form between the two of them. Douxie/Krel slowburn. Warnings located at the start of each chapter.

  • eyes always seeking (just put your sweet lips on my lips)

    John is in a fear god-induced coma. Martin wonders if true love's kiss could be real. Pre-relationship Jonmartin; takes place after The Magnus Archives episode 120 "Eye Contact". Written for crescenttwins for the 2022 Fairy Tale Exchange.

  • to stop the sound of a heartbeat from going out

    Powder, running to save her family, is stopped by an eerily familiar face. Takes place during an alternate version of Episode 3. POV first person. Rated for referenced canon-typical violence. Title is from Ramsey's Goodbye.

  • it wasn't supposed to be like this

    John had plans for how things would go after he rescued Martin from the Lonely. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Takes place after The Magnus Archives Episode 160: "The Eye Opens". Triple Drabble. Rated for vague apocalypse references.

  • Things that Won't Last

    Shower musings as Krel runs from the Arcane Order with his rival. Douxie/Krel. Self harm is referenced. On a completely different note, nudity is referenced in a PG-13 way (all characters are adults in this).

  • Yours, Forever, Always

    "You're cute when you're jealous." Agnes/Borg Queen, post-s2 e9. This was written as a gift for threeoftwelve on tumblr. CW for mild unhealthy relationship, but like, less so than canon for this ship.

  • I've Never Felt More Alone (Feels So Scary Getting Old)

    Figueroth "Fig" Faeth is a late bloomer when it comes to an important part of elf puberty: finally starting to trance instead of sleep. Takes place pre-Dimension 20: Fantasy High Freshman Year. Title is from "Ribs" by Lorde.

  • Angus McDonald and the Case of the Missing Notebook

    Angus looks for an possession he misplaced and meets an intruder. Takes place during The Adventure Zone: Balance, partially between the 11th Hour and Suffering Game arcs and partially during Story and Song. It might not be Imbalance-compliant. Rated for references to canon-typical violence. Background Taakitz.

  • I feel you in the wind chill

    Tonight, Zoe had taken Douxie hunting for the first time. Someone else came to their rescue. Pre-Trollhunters, past Zoe/Original Female Character. Rated for a very vague references to kissing as well as one swear word. The title comes from Hayley Kiyoko's "Ease My Mind".

  • Could You Ever Stop My Fall

    Douxie wakes to find that Krel isn't in bed. Established Douxie/Krel, Hurt No Comfort. Written for Day 5 of krexieweek: Gaylen's Core. Rated T for references to character death.

  • The Exorcism of Hisirdoux Nuñez

    AU: Krel's never dated before, but he's sure first dates aren't supposed to end in going to your boyfriend's house only for the evil sorceress possessing his body to try and kill you. Rated T for canon-typical Morgana behavior, past child abuse, blood, and language. Douxie/Krel, written for krexieweek 2022 Day 4: First Date/Roleswap AU.

  • Yearning in E Minor

    Douxie is giving Krel guitar lessons, but Krel is distracted. Written for Day 3: Guitar Lessons of krexieweek on tumblr. Rated for background character death, Coranda and Fialkov's parenting style, and canon-typical Camelot. Douxie/Krel, pre-slash.

  • all she knows is pain and death and a moss-covered stone

    Claire is afraid to die, but either she alone dies giving her very being to the staff or she dies to Gunmar's army alongside her friends. And maybe, she isn't as afraid to die as she should be. Rated T for Claire being kind of suicidal. Title comes from "Rose Red" by the Mechanisms.

  • Camelot Meat 31415926535897932384626433

    Krel has a new project to help his homesick boyfriend. Post-Wizards, established Douxie/Krel. Contains mild referenced gore if you squint (mostly canon-typical eye horror, pun not intended) as well as references to canon character death.

  • like magma through the leaves

    It's not like Bellroc wants to burn Nari; they just make mistakes sometimes. Bellroc/Nari. This fic contains an abusive relationship featuring burns and bruising. Takes place after the First Battle of Killahead Bridge but before Nari leaves the Arcane Order. You can read this as queerplatonic or romantic but I wrote it as queerplatonic.

  • fragile things in the face of the apocalypse

    Krel takes Douxie away from the crowd and the fray, to have just one moment of calm. Douxie/Krel. Rated for canon-typical self-sacrificing characters and the POV character being melancholy about it.

  • Cold and Lovely Comforts

    In winter, Douxie comes home from work to his husband. Parallel fic to "A Touch of Cold", rated for past mind control. Douxie/Krel, domestic fluff.

  • Arme Harry

    Harry Potter will sauber sein.

  • Poor Harry

    Harry Potter wants to be clean. English translation of "Arme Harry".