

  • World's Semi-Finest

    Having lost their titles of Superman's true Cousin and as Robin the boy-wonder, Kara Zor-L and Tim Drake spend their days trying to figure out their place in the world. Soon their paths intertwine and the realize they have more in common than they thought.

  • Short-Circuited

    He won't lie, when Brian first saw her he was wary of her off-putting look. Nevertheless, he was attracted to her: he was human after all. But it wasn't till after their 8 hours together, that when he saw her walk up after Claire's makeover that he really knew he liked Allison. And when their eyes locked, she won't lie, a bit liked him too. Eventual Brian/Allison. also John/Claire

  • Ultimate Spider-Man: Curse of the Black Cat

    It's been three years since he became Spider-Man and now Peter Parker has to adjust as an old friend comes purring back into his life. But in doing so will he be able to survive the upcoming winter? Or will he lose all nine of his lives? Peter and Felicia romance of the Ultimate universe. Canon is Pre-Ultimatum.