
  • My Evil Angel

    At the end of City Of Heavenly Fire, Sebastian did lose the war but as a result, Jace ended up being bitten by a demon and transformed into one. When they were transported back to Idris, Clary and the gang couldn't bear to kill him and as a favour from the Clave, they agreed to have him kept in Magnus' pentagram in the hope that one day they could save him.

  • A King's Reign of Love

    Set after Cress, King Kai struggles with his feelings towards something that should be his natural enemy. He loves Cinder, and she loves him, but can they cope with each other's affections while a full-on war is in full swing? Will bloodshed and screams of justice pull them apart? Forever?

  • Hush Hush Just Don't Betray Me

    Set in the middle of Crescendo, when Nora starts wondering Patch has feelings for Marcie. Patch reminisces over the time he's had with Nora and wonders if she's started to doubt his love. After everything that happened between them... could this be the end?

  • Scars of a Suffering Nature

    Stories about the beautiful and complicated relationship of Wolf, wild street-fighter Lunar and Scarlet Benoit, innocent and inquisitive human whose paths cross and are instantly inseparable. Set throughout the book series of the Lunar Chronicles, read the story once more but from amazing POVs.

  • Love is in the Hair

    A soon-to-be collection of stories including all our favorite characters from LC, starring Cresswell! Meet a not-your-traditonal-damsel-in-distress Crescent Moon, who has her heart set on finding her perfect hero and Thorne Carswell, a fugitive and wanted criminal, charismatic and utterly charming. When will they realise they're perfect for each other?

  • Dreams of a Princess, Desires of a Witch

    Sophie's nightmares haunt her mercilessly, a reminder that the witch inside is yearning to be unleashed. Will she be able to fight it or will overcome her altogether...?