

  • Broken

    What happens when You mix voldemort Vampires Goblins Werewolves and pregnant witchs oh my god beware

  • WE are

    What happened to the others, What became of them, slightly Au, bc NL/LL complete but open ended.

  • Hurt

    So much pain was felt after the battle, what if one person knew what lay beyond

  • Operation Muggleborn Lift

    Inspired by Operation Babylift Vietnam after the Fall of the Ministry Luna, Ginny and Molly assist in the mass evacuation of muggle born children from the war torn country. Where they experience hardship and deadly betrayal

  • New Light

    Everyone is gone, Luna looks on the faces of her friends, devoid of life and wonders What if. A spell will change everything. Time travel, Babies,and a new chance

  • Twist in the Tale

    New Kids on the block, american witches tormenting i mean teaching the youngest generation after Dumbles death, Contains Spoilers, HPHG, LLxRl, Sorry i dont like Ron, i really just dont, and anything can be suggested, I dont own HP!