

  • The Round File Redux

    This is a place to stash tiny little ficlets that I don't feel warrant posting on their own. It's considered complete, despite being updated, because each "chapter" is finished. Everything varies.

  • Cubic Zirconia

    A collection for my various configurations of poly ships. There is no set ship or poly group size. Some poly ships will include a combination of romantic ships & QPRs. Collection focus is specifically polyamory, not cheating. With only oneshots within, this collection is set as complete despite updating occasionally.

  • The Junk Drawer

    This is a collection, similar to my Round File, only for the MCU instead of Harry Potter. It's a bunch of oneshots that aren't enough to stand on their own or that I don't plan on continuing. As such, it is perpetually "complete" despite being added to occasionally.

  • Select Five (Theme)

    These is going to be at least five oneshots with the same theme (Pirates).

  • Revelations of Youth

    After a hunt goes sideways and leaves Dean returned to his eight-year-old self, certain hidden & forgotten aspects of John Winchester went about raising his sons are revealed.

  • Under the Window Seat

    This is a place to stash tiny little ficlets that I don't feel warrant posting on their own. It's considered complete, despite being updated, because each "chapter" is finished. Everything varies.

  • Till the End of the Night

    This is a collection of oneshots that are all Heroic Shadow (Harry/Blaise). Everything else about the fills varies.

  • Brewing Sacred Draughts

    A collection of oneshots & snippets surround the time Lily spent at Cambridge learning computer science while she & James seduced a certain wealthy genius into their bed. (Prequel-ish to How to Engineer a Family)

  • The Supply Cupboard

    This is a place to stash tiny little ficlets that I don't feel warrant posting on their own. It's considered complete, despite being updated, because each "chapter" is finished. Everything varies.

  • House & Homes

    In which House finally follows Wilson and Cuddy's advice to find something meaningful outside of the hospital. Meanwhile, the newly-hired applicants and Foreman think that House has finally lost it completely. (Season 4/Pre-Hogwarts)

  • Gardens

    This is a collection of Hanahaki Disease fics where Severus Snape's never gets requited love. It's considered complete, despite being updated, because each "chapter" is finished. Everything varies except the Snape thing.

  • Recipe Book

    Of all the wonky things that happens in the Library, meal times are just about normal. (Shelving Harry series; Collection)

  • Something Wrong

    Harry was used to getting by with less than what most considered necessary, but a conversation with Andromeda opens his eyes to just how much less he had been getting.

  • Through the Hedge

    It was a perfectly normal day in Little Whinging when everything was changed by a surprise meeting on the other side of a hedgerow.

  • Needs and Wants

    Death was decidedly dissatisfied with the care being shown by certain bacteria towards his favorite one. He would have preferred to just reap the impertinent apes responsible, but unfortunately, that option was off the table. Luckily, a bit of research showed a different option just in time for Dean Winchester to catch up with him in a little pizzeria in Chicago. (Picks up S05Ep21)

  • Lunacy

    This is a collection of oneshots that are all Lunar Heroic Shadow (Luna/Harry/Blaise). Everything else about the fills varies. With only oneshots within, this collection is set as complete despite updating occasionally.

  • At the Edge

    Blaise arrived at the rescue center he runs with his little pack to discover that they had a massive intake in the early morning. Oh, and the omega slave who had rescued led the massive rescue? He scent-matched Blaise's mate already.

  • Rook Queen

    Luna is the new leader of the mob faction called the Rooks. She meets the leader of the Phoenix faction for parlay. He has a gift for her, in honor of her taking over leadership.

  • Here Before

    Harry could handle the ennui of existing after the war. It didn't matter if he was no longer needed. He had been here before. So he could handle it. He could.

  • The Tongue

    It was just a slip of the tongue on both their parts.