Lily White

  • Good, Evil, and Everything in Between

    If fate gave you a second chance, would you take it? Harry Potter may be gone, but hope is not lost. Ron, consumed with guilt, and Hermione, hopelessly in love with a memory, will soon get their chance. What will happen when the truth is revealed?

  • Runaway Train

    "Wrong way on a one-way track..." On his fifteenth birthday, Harry recieves a glimpse into what life could have been like, the person he would have become, and the love that should have been his- had his parents survived that fateful night so long ago. ra

  • What Lies Beyond the Next Bend

    Harry has a brief but powerful encounter with his long-dead father in the middle of the night...PLEASE REVIEW!!!

  • The Child's Aim Must Miss

    Harry was doomed to fail at the hands of Voldemort before either one walked the earth. How, then, is Harry supposed to make it through his eductaion at Hogwarts alive? With a little help from...wouldn't you like to know? Let's put it this way, "his eyes a

  • Magic

    "When I was young, I thought that stars were made for wishing on"...a songfic about Neville, his happy memories and tragedies both. Showing that magic is not just spells and potions, it's the strength to live each day and the beauty all around us. Price o

  • LOVE and Other 4-Letter Words

    a look at some of the lesser-known girls of Hogwarts. How does Cho feel about Cedric's death and Harry? Could Pansy's sarcasm be covering up insecurities about her looks? These and more will be answered!^_^ PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!! ^_~

  • One Thought Before I Go....

    a few last thoughts of one well-known traitor. And I do mean LAST. PG for suicidal suggestion. Just guess who its about, I dare ya!

  • He's a Miracle

    What would Lily and James think of Harry, if they had been looking down on him all his life? loosely based on Christina Aguilera's "We're a Miracle" REVIEW OR DIE!!! =^)

  • What Lily Saw

    This poem was "written" by James on his last day alive. It was also the last thing Lily saw before the flash of green light that sent her to join her husband in the sky....PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!