

  • The Story of Ash

    Tales of the world are passed down. From one man to another, he explains how everything came to be. Souls/Bloodborne crossover-ish.

  • The Rising of Mountains

    When the foundation man built on starts to rumble and shake. Can our raven haired protagonist and his companions lead the world to overcome it or will will the era of man be erased from history? More Realistic Pokemon

  • Stitches of the Dammed

    They say a pebble thrown could make ripples that will turn into tsunamis. What if some threw two or three? What could change? What would change? Our hero will soon know the power of a thrown pebble.

  • Mess of Black Threads

    Kushina was never went to the leaf, instead she escaped to water country. What does this mean for our favorite ninja? How does a bored shinobi mix in? Redhead/Jiongu Naruto