
  • Help

    Tell! Help! There was a story where Morgan and Emily have an accident in the winter, but a man comes to the rescue, but he has only one place and he helps Emily, leaving Derek alone. It turns out that the man is involved in human trafficking and Emily gets dragged into it (horror), she is taken to a small town and forced to learn her new name (Rose?), but she is rescued! She has a

  • Boy Gone Astray

    - He was still a child, Jubal! - she exclaims. Here comes a very peculiar crossover with one of the series of the original "Law and order". I love this episode in Law & Order, but sometimes I wanted a slightly different ending to this story. I also love FBI and really want more information about the characters as well as heart touching cases!

  • Boy Gone Astray

    - He was still a child, Jubal! - she exclaims. Here comes a very peculiar crossover with one of the series of the original "Law and order". I love this episode in Law & Order, but sometimes I wanted a slightly different ending to this story. I also love FBI and really want more information about the characters as well as heart touching cases!