
  • Lily Lives On

    Harry and James are dead. Severus manages to save Lily through an agreement with the Dark Lord. After what seems to be an eternity of suffering, these two unique souls ultimately unite in perfect contrast to each other to become the Dark Lord's worst nightmare. This is a Snily fanfic.

  • Lily Lives On

    Harry and James are dead. Severus manages to save Lily through an agreement with the Dark Lord. There is no Harry Potter to save the wizarding society. "Who else but us, when else but now," Lily mutters to herself while searching for the way to defeat Voldemort once and for all. Trigger warning: anorexia.

  • Magie a věda v Bradavicích (Magic and Science at Hogwarts)

    Bradavice poprvé zažijí, co to je, když nauku o mudlech učí pravý mudla. Daniela Závědovská ale není jen obyčejná mudlovka - je to doktorka fyziky a biologie. A nemůže se dočkat, až se ponoří jak do fyzikálních, tak biologických aspektů magie. Jak se magie dědí? Jakou rychlostí letí kouzla? Je magie skutečně v krvi, nebo se ukrývá jinde? Translation coming soon.