
  • A Temporary Truce

    With Darrin and Endora more at odds than ever, Sam begins to worry that they really do hate each other. But when an unexpected obstacle hits, Endora and Darrin are forced to put aside their differences for the time being and work together. Meanwhile, Sam has an important dream. Set in season four. Thanks to a friend for suggesting the title.

  • The Continuing Adventures Of Snout-Picker Stephens

    Newlywed Sam and Darrin have just moved into the neighborhood, and Sam is eager to make friends with her new neighbors. But when a fly goes up Sam's nose and she sticks a finger up there to remove it, Gladys Kravitz spreads a rumor that Sam picks her nose. Now nobody wants to be her friend. Features Marshall Burns, the kid from S1E6 Little Pitchers Have Big Fears.

  • Samantha Gets Run Over By A Chevy Volt

    After a psychic at the county fair tells Sam she will get run over by a Chevy Volt, she develops an extreme and excessive fear of just that. Can Darrin snap her out of it?

  • It's A Tight Pinch For The Sausage

    On the day of the annual Advertising Awards Gala, Darrin injures himself by accidentally getting his thing caught in the door and is rendered unable to walk. Will he recover in time to make a big acceptance speech at the gala? Rated T for crass humor, several jokes pertaining to the male anatomy, and an innuendo or two. Sponsored by Wurlitzer Vienna Sausages (not really tho).

  • Samantha Gets A Job

    Determined to buy Darrin a special birthday present with money earned entirely on her own, Samantha decides to get a job. After several failed job attempts, she ends up working at Scooters, a chain restaurant famous for its scantily clad waitresses. Split into 3 parts (I know I originally said 2 parts). Part 2 now up.

  • Samantha Loses Her Mind: A Holiday Sequel

    Samantha and Darrin are hosting the McMann and Tate Christmas party at their house this year. But right before the party, Samantha accidentally eats some of Serena's "happy brownies". The long-awaited sequel to "Samantha Loses Her Mind." Rated T for drug use.

  • Samantha's Commode Conundrum

    During their first date, Samantha is determined to make a good first impression on Darrin. All her efforts go out the window, however, when she accidentally gets her head stuck in the toilet.