The Dark Wolf Shiro

  • The Illusive Mage

    A butterfly flaps its wings and Hagrid finds himself unable to take Harry to Diagon Alley, things devolve from there.

  • The Guild of Gamers: The Nightmare

    If you're given a second chance at life, a chance to escape the void awaiting your eternal soul, its best you don't think too hard about the price. If your new master wants you to kill, you kill, and if he wants you to plunge a world filled with overpowered heroes and villains into pure terror, you had better get to work. The Guild aren't known for their patience or understanding.

  • The Guild of Gamers: The Supervillain

    Welcome to the Guild of Gamers, where the system that controls your life was made by a lazy asshole, all your coworkers are sociopaths and the only retirement plan involves your soul being eaten by your supervisor, I'm sure you'll love it here.

  • Shiro's Short Story Sanctum

    A home for my short stories

  • A Sorcerer's Ambition

    Grayson doesn't have a bad life, not really. But given the chance to improve his not-that-bad life, he'll grab it without a second thought, even if he has to make a deal with a devil to do so, after all... the sorting hat did say his ambition was dangerous.

  • A Gamers Guide to Conquest, Remastered

    The rewrite of my fic, A Gamers Guide to Conquest.

  • The Gamers Guide to Freedom (The Rewrite)

    The rewrite of my fic, the Gamers Guide to Freedom.

  • The Guild of Gamers: The Necromancer

    Life wasn't fair, even someone who had every advantage in the world could lose it all because a certain lazy necromancer misplaced his pet rat. On the bright side, he feels slightly bad about accidentally killing you, so congratulations and welcome to the Guild of Gamers.

  • The Guild of Gamers: The Warlord

    Quests for vengeance are never as simple as they seem, but when the target of your quest is an immortal being with seemingly unlimited power that's a given. Hei expected things to be borderline impossible and dying before he made any real progress didn't really surprise him, but he wasn't expecting his afterlife to include his father's killer offering him a job.

  • The Guild of Gamers: The Planeswalker

    Noire is a great many things, a Princess, a Mage, and now a Planeswalker. Awakened to the threats that lurk outside her home plane, she will do the only thing she can. Explore the greater multiverse, gather power and followers and make sure nobody can ever threaten Eldraine again.

  • The Adventures of Kuro, the Very Bored Gamer

    A much older Kuro is bored, and that means it's time for him to go on a trip. Where? Hell if he knows, he'll work that out when he gets there. This is the chronicles of the worlds he ended up on... and the girls he met. Just some Bonus Chapters of Kuro's adventures. Nothing Plot related and mostly smut. You won't be missing out on main story plot if you don't read them.

  • The Guild of Gamers: The Sage

    Retirement is about relaxing after all the work is done, that doesn't change just because the person retiring is a Dark Lord.

  • New Game Plus, GOTY Edition

    The rewrite/reboot of New Game Plus, sequel to Multiverse Adventures but you don't have to read either of them first.

  • The Guild of Gamers: The Vampire

    Raven is many things, sane isn't one of them. Granted a path to immense power after her death, Skyrim will never be quite the same