
  • Opps I Got Caught Again

    Harry writes a song about getting caught by Filch.

  • Everybody Look Voldemort's Going Down

    A filk off Buffalo Springfield's Everybody Look What's Going Down

  • The Azkaban Redemption

    A man is framed and is sent to the worst prison on earth. Can he redem himself?

  • Aurors In Cloaks

    A filk off Will Smith's Men In Black. Funny Good Time!

  • Hogwarts(Miami)

    A filk of Miami by Will Smith

  • Will The Real Harry Potter Please Stand Up?

    A filk off "Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up"

  • Hate It When You Fart

    I finally filked Harry to sing(Tearing Up My Heart) to Dudley only I change the words. Have a peek.

  • Moody's Pradise

    Filk off of Ganster's Pradise

  • The Adventures of Snake Powers

    A new story mix with James Bond and Harry Potter.

  • Lazy

    A song sang by Dudley take off on Crazy by Britny Spears.

  • The Dursleys

    I changed Elanor Rigby so it was about the Dursleys. Pretty weird actually.

  • Hero

    Harry Potter and Draco fight for there lifes in the Quidditch World Cup.

  • A Harry Potter Chrismas

    A merry Harry Chrismas

  • Sorting Hat Song

    A sorting hat song.