
  • Subtle as an Avalanche

    Princess Fjorm adores the Summoner. It's an open secret amongst the Order of Heroes. Like, a REALLY open secret. Anthology collection of one-shot stories involving M!Kiran and Fjorm.

  • If It Hadn't Been For You

    "The possession of Relics and Crests has been highly valued in Faerghus since ancient times. It's far from uncommon for someone to lose their ability to lead their house because they don't bear a Crest." Follow the tale of a young noble who, despite her lot in life, dares to take hold of her own future, and witness the consequences of her defiance. OC-centered fic set in BL route.

  • The Tales of King Dimitri and His Loyal Knights

    "Gather around, everyone! Today, I will share with you the grand and exciting tales of King Dimitri and his loyal knights!" "Er, Kiran, what are you-?" "Hush, now! The storyteller is storytelling! No interruptions!" React fic where Dimitri, the Blue Lions, and other Fodlan characters star as the main cast of various Arthurian tales.

  • No Good Deed

    ...and, well, you know the rest of the saying. All Jaune wanted to do was help someone in need. So how did he end up being the unfortunate target of a certain petite, mute criminal's sadistic teasing! A collection of scenarios involving Neo amusing herself in her own special way while our blonde goofball attempts to hold onto his sanity. Follows the main RWBY canon up to Volume 3.

  • Two Hearts, One Promise

    Two individuals, each holding dear to them a certain promise. What manner of bond will form between the conversations shared by these two Heroes bound by a shared promise? A short companion fic to my previous story Cold Embrace.

  • Cold Embrace

    The path of grief is unique for each individual, and one not so easily traveled, especially alone. As the Order of Heroes continue their search for a means of defeating Hel, they are suddenly beset upon by a mysterious figure who proceeds to kidnap the Summoner. Who is this being, and why are they fixated solely on Kiran? Semi-AU taking place in Book Three.

  • The Gateway Cafe

    Welcome to the Gateway Cafe, where all manner of interesting folks can take a moment from the hustle and bustle of daily life to relax and momentarily set aside all of their cares, courtesy of our top-notch staff! A Heroes modern AU where Kiran and the core Order of Heroes crew are university students working at a local cafe.

  • Moonlit Elegy

    Struggling with fatigue and their duties as summoner during the day as well as terrifying visions at night, Kiran's sleep schedule is in shambles. Desperately seeking respite in a late-night stroll, a chance encounter with a certain somber princess just might offer the relief the summoner needs.

  • Gentle as Snow

    Following another successful defense of Askr, Kiran soon falls significantly ill, though they are loathe to admit it. Fortunately for them, a certain princess of ice is there to ensure that the sickly summoner receives the care that they need.

  • Lost Relics

    This world is vast, filled with many mysteries and echoes of bygone days and civilizations. Some such echoes take the form of archaic weapons; ancient tales and legends woven into the inorganic hearts of these tools, waiting to share their story. However, some of these tales fall through the cracks, longing to be unearthed, to be heard...