
  • The Revelation Of Jair

    Ten years after defeating Felix and his thugs, our favourite assassin RDJ travels to return the staff to Jair’s hidden tomb. But need the ancient keys to get inside so he must travel to where the war first originated, Mexico City! His marriage will be tested, lives will be taken, dark secrets will be revealed. The very last samba club story! Read to find out!

  • I’m Crazy About You

    A new nurse had been transferred from her branch in Brasilia to Rio. To look after a patient in a mental institution. Nobody else wanted to care for him, as he claims his innocence for a murder he never committed. But what happens when the nurse starts to grow feelings for the patient she’s caring for? Is love really the cure for madness? A brand new love story! Read to find out!

  • Owls Stick Together

    3 years before the events in ‘Rafael’s Bachelor Party’ we find out how Jameson the black owl and Alex the snowy owl met for the very first time and became best friends before they went their separate ways and reunited a few years later. ‘A Samba Club Prequel’ Read To Find Out!

  • The Unique Couple

    A beautiful love story that began several years before ‘The Rise Of The Samba Club Part 2: The Final Showdown’. We finally learn how Tomada saved his beloved Sorrel from a vicious predator. And how a small act of kindness turned into a blossoming relationship! Between a predator and a macaw. ‘A Samba Club Spin off’ Read To Find Out!

  • The Samba Club New Years Special

    Join Team Samba Club in this wonderful New Years adventure. Tiago and Hazel have something to share, Tina has a little crush, and the end of the year is near! Read To Find Out what happens!

  • The Samba Club Christmas Special

    Join our very favourite team Samba Club! As they return for this beautiful Christmas Special! Our feathery friends will be celebrating this magical time of the year! ‘A Samba Club Story’ Read To Find Out!

  • Dangerous Love

    A new club has opened up in Rio, and our favourite blue and gold macaw RDJ will have a big test on his wings. As he falls for the club’s new female singer. But to make matters worse she is already taken by a vile gangster named Felix the owner of the club. What will be the outcome in this beautuful love story? Will he get the girl? Or will he get himself killed? Read To Find out!