

  • Soristant Tonic Gaunt Black

    Love is a difficult emotion. The only thing I could say I ever loved would be mother and magic. And being in Hogwarts for a year hasn't changed that, but I have a tingling feeling that my second year might be different. Perhaps one of the new students entering? No, although the heroes's children will be entering Hogwarts, perhaps some revenge is in order? Yes, indeed it is.

  • Bevanien James Potter

    Children. So sensitive, vulnerable, and innocent. They're easy to sway which is why you raise them in a loving environment. But this poor boy got the short end of the stick. Living with his Aunt's family was about as bad as it can get. But how can he compare when the only other child he knows of is his cousin. Who knows how other kids are being treated? So he cherished everything.

  • Lucky number8?

    Dying while trying to liberate a planet of scum was a hero's death, Now what about after. Haruis Viton wasted his life away trying to help others, an honorable action but I digress, people need to have some fun. Test their luck once in a while. So why not, Haruis Viton or better known as V took his second chance at life through a slot machine? I wonder what's next for this Gambler?

  • Ravish

    Leonardo No last name is bored, well he just hasn't had the chance to have some fun. Well after his last incident, no one wanted him to have some fun. Could you blame him he was just 12 years old? So what if he accidentally burned some people while at the park. He's just a kid, well was. Ugh, never mind it get's harder by the day to defend him.

  • The mellow, uncaring, maybe nice? Hogwarts student Somber Rayde!

    Somber Rayde or Ray and his two friends. Lily and Remus. He is uncaring, unintentionally rude, and just weird. How will he react to James Potter and Siruis oh and Peter! What adventures will he find with the nervous, weird, smart, but hates history Lily! And the history loving, puppy, dangerous on certain months, Remus! (Slow Updates)

  • The Becoming Of Cachet Slytherin

    Louis Chachet a Child of the unfamous Petrella Cachet and Vastiuos Cachet. He holds many secrets. His future is grim, but not yet will he survive the war? Wil he fight against Voldemort or join him?

  • The Boy Of Death, Blood and LifeOne Shots

    I smile as I kill the blond, My prey is caught now I hunt.

  • The Three Reborn Idiots

    Three idiots who don't care for the Wizardly world and only themselves. A Slytherin, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff. Will they fill their selfish desires or have a change of heart?