Corruption kibble

  • Captive or Comrade?

    Waking up in unknown territory, cleveland quickly discovered her situation is dangerous when she has seemingly been captured by the Sirens. Even worse, they want her to participate in an experiment to see if they can turn her, into one of them! AU, corruption, possible mind break, tentacles and potential rape. Will be set to M rating in future. Please review if you like it!

  • Muse of Destruction

    On the eve of the ironblood preparing to awaken their first priority ship, a siren artifact throws an unknwon into the fray, leading to the priority ship being differentthsan expected, and very attached to the one caught in the middle of it all. Fear the song of the sea, for Roon Muse and her captain have arrived.

  • Legacy of Luster

    After what feels like an age of living two lives, Louise Valliere, fed up with one life, leaves it to live the one where she is accepted. Unfortunately not all take her disappearance well, and when the land she left for is forcibly dragged to Halkeginia, nothing will be the same, for humans,for Gems.

  • Fallen Heroes

    With simple drops of blood The grounds of the Wargame are set aglow and Bell Cranel finds himself in a realm not his own with not his own. Are his friends okay? can he find a way home? and perhaps more importantly, will he survivee the multitudes of Mamano going after his chastity? Now being continued on AO3 for safety.

  • Deus ex Machina

    Death was over in mere seconds, granting only time to smile and hope a message would be read. So when Sachi awoke to find she was alive as an AI, the first instance of a Human becoming such, she was surprised. When she found she was still in SAO and had to work for Kayaba or risk deletion, well, it was time to see how well she could Masquerade as a God in the Machine!