
  • We're All Mad Here

    A new patient had entered Arkham Asylum, she could already tell he would make things fun.

  • A Safe Gotham

    Now Penguin was mayor there was work to do. With Ed by his side he could do anything.

  • Dog Days

    Luna starts up a dog walking business after her graduation from Hogwarts. What happens when she walks a dog, strikingly familiar to Sirius Black with oddly human eyes?

  • Borinwood Asylum

    Living in darkness for all these years she'd adapted to the dark. She could hear their screams, cries and his laughter. How curious it made her.

  • Stolen Childhood

    Her childhood was taken from her, she wants to take it back. A trip to Neverland may give that to her.

  • I'll Be Your Slave

    After years of being sold from slaver to slaver, Charly had finally lost the will to live. When she finds herself stumbling into the mutant village and being surrounded by the closest thing she'd known as a family, would they accept her or sell her back to her master?

  • The Next Sarah

    Her life wasn't what she expected. After her parents death, she was the sole caregiver for her younger brother Oliver. She wanted more from life, if only the Goblin King was real, perhaps he could give her what she truly wanted.

  • Circus Days

    Have you ever wanted to run away with the circus? Harleen Quinzel had always dreamt of escaping her life. When there are some new students at her school, will she get her chance?

  • Clowning Around

    Sharlena is an ordinary nursing student living in Gotham. What happens when she encounters the escaped Arkham patients on her usual morning route?

  • Blame

    Cassie has lost everything, her family, her friends and now her boyfriend. Was it all her fault? Now she is homeless and alone, thinking if she should carry on, when she meets someone new, can he help her make sense of her life?

  • The Hills

    The mutants had lived in the hills all their lives. They have a way of life. What happens when that way of life is threatened?

  • Regrets

    He had always regretted the way he left them. Left her. He was now face to face with her once again, how would he respond?

  • The Angel of Death

    A newly diagnosed schizophrenic becomes a patient to Dr. Hannibal Lecter. Is he her angel?

  • The Girl From Nowhere

    She had accepted her place in society. The bullied, the bag girl. It was her turn now though, to take control.

  • Summer Days

    The bad guys had always fascinated her? What if she came face to face with one without realising?

  • The Virus

    A mysterious virus spreads through Fiore. How do Fairy Tail and the other guilds work together to prevent the spread and protect those around them.