
celian Cogitore

  • Moonchild

    Ishtar and Ereshkigal want to save Shirou and Hakuno. For this, they are ready to break a taboo. To avoid punishment, the two goddesses just flee to another world where the Age of God continues. The plan was perfect, what could go wrong? Except gods are prey in this new world...

  • One King Army

    537, Battle of Camlann. Wanting to avoid a confrontation with King Arthur, Mordred and Morgan the Fay use magic to open a door to another world. Hyrule, a few months before the return of Calamity Ganon, Artoria Pendragon appeared during a battle between Hyrule's army and a horde of Bokoblin. Can Artoria prevent the fall of Hyrule?

  • Fate Extra : The Music of the Spheres

    And in its dark ages, even death can die... 2099, a tragic time, a world ravaged by war and where corruption reigns. As the end of the world seems imminent, a hibernation capsule containing the last Master reappears. With the awakening of Hakuno Kishinami a new Grail War begins!

  • Fate: Ryuudou Awakening

    Fei Fong Li the Geo-Immortal had an idea as simple as horrible, to release on his enemies a monster that he had discovered sealed in another universe. He was unaware until now that this "monster" was the Fuyuki's Grail with Angra Mainyu trapped in it. (Crossover Fate/UBW X Rifts RPG)

  • The Invincible Girl Return

    Whatever the universe, suffering, and death reign over the world. Amidst the smoke of two ruined cities, a pact is made and a second life offered. Pyrrha Nikos will take the place of Shirou Emiya... for the better? Nothing is certain. It only takes the flutter of the butterfly's help to trigger a storm and a certain evil force did not appreciate the removal of its prey.

  • Order ab Chaos

    The Old World, Bretonnia, while King Louen Leoncœur gathers his army, a strange phenomenon occurs... a new ally appears Hakuno Kishinami, sent from the Moon Cell to fight the Chaos.

  • The Devil of Armageddon

    What if Tanya Degurechaff had not been reincarnated in Germania to live an alternative version of the First World War? What if Being X had reincarnated her in a hive-city of the 40k Warhammer universe? And that he had made her a Psyker in a world where this gift is at best seen with fear and at worst with hatred? Yes, her life was not going to be easy, that's for sure.

  • Ganon's Apotheosis

    Mystara is a truly unique planet, a world where the border between gods and mortals is tenuous. The ideal world where Ganon could finally realize the Apothesis, the passage from the status of mortal to that of divine being... too bad for him, Zelda and Link come along for the ride.

  • Adam Kadmon

    Adam Kadmon was the primordial man who existed before the birth of our universe. Since then, humanity has been charged with finding the Fragments of Eternity, the last fragments of the world that preceded ours. The objective? Restore the earthly paradise. A couple can not be more improbable, a Magus and a demon will play a crucial rôle in this conflict.