Rowan Wisteria

  • Threat From Within: The Exiled Innocent

    After being kidnapped and tortured for three moons, Deathfire returned to NightClan only to be exiled. Now renamed Curse, she's alone and afraid with Grasstail and Coldclaw looking to take her back into their claws. Meanwhile Silkshade and her friends are helplessly witnessing as Wingstar descends into madness thanks to the influence of Flurrytail and NightClan falls apart.

  • Seasons

    Duckfur finds herself out on RainClan territory one fateful night. Her brother died, she lost her friends, and her crush just had someone else's kits. She wants nothing more than to be able to go back in time and fix her mistakes. There, she meets a cat that teaches her an important lesson: to move on. (one-shot for pride month)

  • Gray Wing Academy

    Gray Wing Academy is definitely an odd school. How to get into this prestigious academy? A simple interview and if they like you, you're in. Only the best students get in, or so they say. Jayfeather enters his freshman year in this high school where he is forced to face every high schoolers worst enemy: high school drama.

  • Threat From Within: Nightfall

    Deathfire has taken her new role as queen taking care of her crush's kits after their mother died. She's enjoying motherhood, but between Lightstar at night and Flurrytail in the day, things just seem to be getting worse. Meanwhile, Silkshade and Silentstorm have been chosen to mentor their greatest enemy's kits. With Wingstar wrapped around Flurrytail's paw, how can they stop her?

  • What You'd Give Up For Them

    After Squirrelflight refuses to take her kits in, Leafpool must figure out what to do on her own. She decides to gather a cat from each Clan and give a kit to each of them to take back to their Clan, hoping no one will trace the kits back to her this way. She can only hope all of the cats will help her in her time of need… (one-shot)

  • All the Ways to Win Your Heart

    Ivydance is beautiful and kind she-cat surrounded by cats that either want to be her mate or just be her. Her only flaw is that she is ridiculously dense. Moonsong, a self-proclaimed expert on romance, vows to help her hopeless sister find a mate. The problem being? Her sister is an aromantic asexual who wants nothing to do with romance. (OC submit)

  • First Chapters

    I write a lot of first chapters to stories I never finish and come up with a lot of ideas I don't have the motivation to write. So welcome to my personal collection of first chapters, where I dump my random ideas for others to steal or read! Please credit me if you use one of these ideas and let me know because I'd love to read it!