The Great Kelly The Great

  • Je T'aime Plus Qu'hier Moins Que Demain

    He was taken from her...she and others set out to get him back...they were separated. Separation, many times over. Elements...an important potion...it went awry. Friendships...unexpected places...Death Eaters. Love...hate...sorrow...joy. A tragedy arose.

  • Salamander Eyes

    We never truly admit to ourselves what it would be like without the people we depend on, and trust each day. But if we don’t have anyone to depend on, we would do anything for one. And we would do anything to save them, despite who they are, or how much

  • Seduction of the Soul

    She was a young girl, innocent and trusting. He was a man, cunning and devious. Her soul was just what he needed to thrive and his love was just what she needed to die.

  • Differences, However Small

    Each person is different from the next, some more than others. Some people never do anything of importance. Others have a destiny. Draco's POV. PG-13 just in case. Another one of my short angst-y little things.

  • Kissing My Hero

    Hermione's POV. She tells of her love for Harry. She is so blissfully in love that she would die if he ever left. Now he's gone. PG-13 just in case, like everything.

  • Scarlet Hands

    A Draco POV. His life is terrible, and he wants a way out. Killing himself seems the only way. And it appears it is. PG-13 just in case (again, like all my other short lil angst-y fics like this). Please leave a review and go read my other fic

  • Tapestry

    A small fic (one of those really short things that REALLY bug me, where you barely have to scroll), whatever POV you wish. *A Tapestry exists, locked far away, where no one can reach it. But this Tapestry is secret, and holds all wishes, all hopes and a

  • Remember Me This Way

    Three best friends, for seven years. A friendship filled with laughter, tears, love. This is their goodbye to each other.

  • Beyond All Recognition

    Hermione is a Death Eater. She has lost all sense of love, all things that connected her to the places and people she once knew. She has changed beyond all recognition. An author's note: This fic is just a short little anst-y thing. Rated PG-13 just in

  • Building a Rainbow

    Hermione's POV. An account of Hermione and Harry's friendship and building their rainbow. Not terribly romance-y, but that's really the only genre possible.

  • Death's Fingers

    A possible ending for the HP books. Lord Voldemort has won and Harry has been captured. Short and pretty depressing. PG-13 just in case.