
  • A little mistake

    Harry was living a great life as a socially inept hermit in the woods… then he wasn’t. / de-aged old man Harry meets Tony Stark/ one shot

  • An Average Child

    Tsuna knew that his home life wasn't normal. He also knew that is wasn't normal for him to be ok with it.

  • Herpo the Foul

    Horcruxes:The most foul of magicks. This is the story of a desperate man who as he sunk deeper into his madness created the most unforgivable of spells. (Not as dark as it has the potential to be)

  • With the Power of Shuet

    Yugi was tired. He had been in the quiet desolated place that was the earth for many years now with only a voice in his head for company. To be honest he’d probably gone mad years ago with what he has been planning to do. After all only a mad man would try to travel back in time.