
monsterhuntergod-Ratholas Mk1

  • Ancestors and Ascensions

    Legend tells of great titans of men who strode the realms long ago. Living great lives, wielding great power, they explored, traded, and even fought other titans. For over a thousand years, these titans had disappeared, seemingly lost to time. A chance encounter has awoken them from their time displaced stasis, and now look upon this new world and wonder, just what is their place?

  • Red Wolf Saga

    To many she is a monster, a primeval horror that clung and clawed its way to modernity. Hiding her true nature, Ruby just wants to become a hunter, gain allies and friends, and make a change in the world. However her hidden blood soon begins attracting foes and forces old and new. Can Ruby survive this new and ever more hostile world with fury and steel, or fail like her mother?

  • Ghosts of the Past

    The past has a way of affecting the present in ways we can't fully comprehend. Echoes of glory, whispers of long lost heroes, and the slumber of ancient monsters. One fateful day, a young Ruby changes her own destiny, forming connections that she could never fully imagine. And the ghosts of the past have ways of conjuring up threats old and new to stand against a new kind of hero.