Patchwork Crow

  • A Heart, Frozen in Time

    A new Dark World means new experiences. For Ralsei, he discovers the virginal beauty and chilling savagery of snow. For Kris, they discover the gentle warmth and ferocious inferno of love. For both of them, they discover that even the smallest of gestures can change everything in a big way. A story of adventure and danger, letting go of the past, and having the courage to love.

  • Falsetto's Guide to Making Friends

    "Notes on making and keeping friends, written by Falsetto, age 7-and-5/8ths" A small drabble about a small goat boy named Falsetto, aka Falsei, and the heartwarming siblinglike relationship that he forms with Kris. Original character stolen/ADOPTED from Kastek's Darkened Drabbles, with their blessing. Freeform fluff, may receive a continuation in future.

  • Through Shattered Glass

    A human seeking freedom from their strings. A monster trying to keep control over their life. Perhaps, together, they can find the answers they're looking for. A Krusie story over multiple parts. Might get a little angsty in places.

  • BitterSweethearts

    After all your adventures, it was perhaps inevitable that the two of you should fall together. But things aren't quite as simple or sweet as they first appear. Who is really in control, here? Which of them do you actually love? And when it comes time to choose, can any of you live with the outcome? Or: a story about love, and the strange, often uncomfortable things it makes us do.

  • Eager to Serve

    After a stressful few days, Kris decides to spend some time in the dark world to decompress. What they don't know is that their friends have planned a little "surprise" for them. A story about friendship, responsibility, and holding onto the past. Some mild Kralsei. May be a 2nd part to this in future.

  • The Night Before the End of the World

    Sometimes, when the end of everything rushes forward to meet you, all you have is each other. But sometimes, that's all you need. A one-shot to celebrate Valentine's day, set before the hypothetical final encounter. Contains weapons-grade levels of fluff, for obvious reasons. Also, it's Kralsusie.

  • Waiting for Tomorrow

    When the lightners leave the Dark world, everything returns to the primordial darkness. Yet even in this bleak emptiness, the light of hope shines on. All you have to do is wait until tomorrow, and your dear friends will return. A strange little thought experiment that I've made into a story somehow :p

  • You-Like

    At times, I could almost convince myself that you knew... a comment here, a gesture there - small things that didn't seem to make much sense in your world's context. It was only in hindsight that I realised, those curious little interactions might not be intended for the vessel, but for the one controlling them. For me. First story here, reviews and feedback welcome!