
  • Redemption by Music

    Maglor, the second son of Fëanor, is a fabled Elven minstrel... and a heinous criminal in the eye of the Valar and his own kin, forced into eternal exile. But even that penance must come to an end, and after millenia of wandering the world, he is coming home. And he is not coming empty-handed... for he has learned much in our modern world, like Rock 'n Roll.

  • The (Accidental) Hero of Might and Magic

    A crack story based on my old (but still frequently visited) Silmarillion map for Heroes of Might and Magic II. What would (some of) Tolkien's characters think about being thrust into a reflection of their own world shaped by the rules of a very different setting?

  • The Cold and the Warmth

    A side story for "The Heart of the Valkyrie" inspired by the Solstice/Yule time. When you're cold in the midst of the northern winter, what can help you better than the embrace of the one you love? Contains only very minor references to things sexual, and no violence/invective language so the rating is down to T for once. :)

  • To the Ends of the Earth

    The Chosen One failed to save first her home village, then the denizens of the Vault 13. Standing amid the destruction, she vows to avenge the fallen, and she will stop at nothing to achieve that. Rated "M" for language and "gratuitous" violence.