
  • Crazy in Love

    It has been ten years since Gregory's first incident at the pizza plex, Gregory finally returns to the pizzaplex for a new beginning, this time as a security guard. Seeing old faces here and there during his journey and eventually falling in love with one of the band crew's. For someone who works in security, this will be an interesting challenge for him and maybe even her.

  • The Secret Lovers

    After some time since the start of the apocalypse, two people found themselves into a heated relationship as two people from opposite groups fallen for each other and even worst, the group leaders have a strong hatred for each other. Will they be able to keep it a secret or will both sides find out about their thing. Whom knows what will happen. (This is a remake of my original)

  • Returning to the Falls

    It has been four years since the pines been to gravity falls, and now they are finally returning to the falls, as they will see familiar faces, romance and adventure within the air. It seems that everything will go smoothly, or will it. Or maybe a new threat will surface for the people over the falls, maybe its Bill, maybe its someone more powerful, who knows what'll happen here.

  • Betrayal to the Sith

    During, the event's known as Order 66, a former Sith knight, under Darth Tyranous, whom left the Sith for a better employment. In the works of bounty hunting, made one final job as a Sith before he went off the radar. He does something, that no Jedi would ever expect a sith to do, well.. mainly the blinded jedi, but the Sith help's a Padawan escape the purge. And find a new home.

  • The Secret Lovers

    (Work in Progress)

  • The Secret Lovers

    It has been at least 16 years since the outbreak of TS-19, and yet people still somehow manage their daily lives but all changes when a war breaks out and the love of two people, get caught up in this war of itself. Will they keep their relationship secret or what will happen if it is found out by both leaders of their independent groups. No one can tell what will happen.