Hades disciple

  • Siren's Obession

    Heidi fears the backlash of going without a date for the upcoming spring dance. A critical moment in every high schooler's life. Don't worry, she's always on top of things until having a moment with Randy. It awakens something bizarre in her as she viewed him in a positive light. Love? Infatuation? Or something darker that the Sorcerer will gladly exploit for his gain?

  • Lincoln's log book

    The side story/spin-off of QT Quarrel for all of the lemon lovers. This one shot series grants any female a chance to get Lincoln's log. Yes any female. Named characters, frequent characters, fanon characters and single episode ones. All thanks to the Multiverse. Lisa views these various realities. Why? Who knows but her?

  • QT Quarrel

    Lincoln is down in the dumps after Ronnie Anne. His best female friend moved away. Some enjoyed her absence. A group of girls known as the QTs can freely approach Lincoln without Ronnie's inference. However, will their alliance hold? Can one of them claim Lincoln as theirs before others take him for themselves. (Now has a Tv tropes page)

  • Crystal Prison

    The purpose of Friendship? It eluded Dusk Shine during his time at Crystal Prep. The Friendship Games allowed him a chance due to Cinch convincing him to join but at a devil's bargain. Everything for CPA's reputation. Now what will Dusk Shine learn? Does he gain something? Or will he lost a part of himself to becoming something different? Who will help or corrupt him?