
storm in a teacup

  • In Need of Your Demons

    Daryl didn't like her. Or maybe he just didn't like the fact that she wouldn't get out of his head (or that she made his skin fizz and his gut thud). No, he definitely didn't like that. But Merle is into her best friend, so it looks like he's not going to be able to be rid of her any time soon. AU (no zombies/pre ZA). Daryl/Tahlia (OC) slow burn fic.

  • Property of Daryl Dixon

    A long-lost friend of Michonne's is found and brought into the prison - she's light-hearted, sunny and friendly and DAMN if she isn't the biggest pain in the ass that Daryl has ever met. He could never be friends with a girl like that! Right? Uh, wrong. Their paths keep crossing, and eventually friendship isn't enough. Fluff, drama & more. Starts S4, mostly non-canon. (Daryl/OC)

  • Lady and the Trash

    26yo Daryl Dixon has just never been that into anyone. Ever. Well, there was one girl. But that was 10 years ago, and he hasn't seen her since then. Except, for some reason she's landed back in town and is dealing to his brother and dating some other dickhead and WHAT THE HELL I don't know what else to write, can you just read it? AU, no ZA. Drug reference/use.

  • Snowed In

    Oh, the weather outside is frightful... and that's how Rayna and Deacon have found themselves snowed in together after a gig. And they're not happy about it... to begin with. (my stab at the Christmas Fun! fanfic c-word)