
  • The Safe Choice

    On the day of his funeral, Joyce thinks about her relationship with Bob Newby and his death. Jim Hopper is there to comfort her.

  • The Final Message

    Drifting out in space with hardly any oxygen left and no hope of rescue, Jack contacted Stargate Command with a final message before he dies. Set during S4E12: Tangent (Sam/Jack)

  • The Carter Inquisition

    Jacob Carter shows up unexpectedly while Sam is out on a mission and it puts Jack in an awkward position. After all, he promised his girlfriend that she would be the one to tell her dad about their change in relationship status. Takes place after Data Loss, but can be read as a standalone (brief spoilers in the Author's Note for those who haven't read that story).

  • The Definition of a Safe Bet

    Over the course of the conversation, it became increasingly obvious to Sam that she had no idea what the phrase "safe bet" actually meant.

  • Data Loss

    When Sam gave Pallan instructions to erase SG-1 from the town's collective memory, she had no idea that Kendrick was at that very moment reaching out to attach a link device to Colonel O'Neill's temple. Her split-second decision to place efficiency over accuracy has disastrous consequences for Jack and for SG-1. A "what if?" story for Season 7 Episode 5: Revisions.

  • Christmas Plans and Broken Doors

    General Jack O'Neill had important plans for his trip back to Colorado Springs for the holidays. Those plans didn't involve getting stuck in the SGC locker room with Sam Carter on Christmas Eve. (This story incorporates four Shipmas 2021 prompts: candy canes, stuck in the locker room, "With every fiber of my being," and "Oh, there's not a snowball's chance in hell.")