
  • Sabaody Shambles

    After the events on Thriller Bark, the Straw Hats reach Sabaody only to be crushed and captured on the whims of a Celestial Dragon called "The Collector." The rest stop by the Red Line becomes a rescue mission, and an unexpected alliance is forged in the race to save the crew.

  • In Your Hands

    Five days that Sanji carried Zoro, and one day that Zoro carried them both over the line. (A survival story told in the dark.)

  • Caesura

    As the days passed, Brook found himself drawn to the curiosity that was an absence of noise on an otherwise rowdy ship. He thought he heard a familiar note somewhere between the clash of pots and emphatic stabs of an unlit cigarette. It was something he missed, something he wanted to hear again even if he himself could no longer play it.

  • Bird-Watching

    When Robin first joined the Straw Hats, they were a mystery unlike any other she'd encountered. After careful study over the past few weeks, she thought she had the shape of them, but their chaotic existence held an even more intriguing puzzle. It was a curiosity that was quickly becoming an indulgence...

  • Restless Flavors

    Sometimes Sanji couldn't sleep. To Luffy, this was a strange thing, perhaps some quirk born of a curling eyebrow. Whether Sanji slept in the bunks or not, breakfast was always ready, lunch always came, and dinner was always his favorite thing ever. But after those nights when his cook could find no friend in sleep, the food tasted sad somehow.

  • Unexpected Intel

    "Sir, are those pirates dating, sir?"

  • The Dance

    The first time Usopp sees it, he doesn't know what it is, but he knows something is there. An outside view of an unconventional courtship.

  • Imposter

    A stop at a beautiful island to set the log pose and refresh turns sinister as unbeknownst to the crew, Zoro returns from exploring with a 'rider'. Latest Chapter (2) - Zoro's strange behavior doesn't go unnoticed, and Sanji finds himself the focus of the swordsman's attention in ways he never imagined. The mask begins to slip.

  • Truth or Sherry

    Sanji proposes a drinking game to pass the time while he and Zoro get patched up after a messy fight. Chopper works his magic, Zoro scores a point, and Sanji asks the ultimate question...

  • Boys Night Out

    A night out on a remote island turns into an all-out fight. Zoro drinks a cocktail, Sanji paints the town red, and hard lessons are learned by bounty hunters when it comes to collecting on the Straw Hat Pirates.

  • Tit for Tat

    A straightforward fight on the high seas gets complicated as a split second decision by Sanji will change the relationship between himself and Zoro forever. T for Language/Violence -Updated!- Chapter 2: In Which Zoro Wonders What the Hell Just Happened

  • Food for Thought

    Life on the Grand Line can be hard on the body, but the cook of the Straw Hat Pirates knows how to take care of his crew. A slice of life one-shot, pirate-style.