Middl Mo

  • Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: The Next Millennium

    Max died how most young heroes did...Getting hit by a truck. The next thing he knows is that he's getting snapped at by a goddess at one moment and then thanked and reincarnated by the next. He is reborn into a world that he is somewhat familiar with. When he is reborn, he is left with three gifts. One of his old decks, a great power, and a spirit that will always be there for him.

  • Pokemon: Silver Ore Version

    Ben Silvers is the son of up and coming Pokemon researchers, Wes and Rui, who were once heroes of the Orre region. Now, together with his Pokemon partner, Eve, they will leave their own mark on the World of Pokemon. As they travel the world, make new friends and strive to be the very best, adventure and trouble will be sure to follow. Current Region: Johto. OC/Roxie/Elesa

  • Pokemon: Silver Ore Version

    Twenty years have passed since the events of Pokemon Colosseum. Wes and Rui have settled down together, started a family and a few Pokemon Research projects. Their journey is nearing it's end. However, their son and his Eevee's journey has just begun. Together, Ben Silvers, and his friends will leave their own mark on the Pokemon World. Current Region: Johto. OC/Roxie/Elesa