
  • Solo Shinobi

    What if instead of the Cup of Reincarnation sending someone back in time, it did as it was actually named to do? This is the story of how the worlds strongest Hunter was reborn into a new life, a new world, one where people like him are hated and hurt due to the greed of others. Now is the time for a change. Now is the time for the Shadow Monarch to arise...

  • Naruto, Son of Hades

    Naruto was slain by a man who wanted to avenge his family for their deaths at the hand of the Kyubi. The weapon he used was one cursed with power that sent his soul into another world, one where he will face many trials so as to return. But first, he simply has to break free of the Underworld itself, and that task alone is said to be impossible...

  • Titanfall: Rise of the Iron Shinobi

    Lied to all his life, Naruto finally had enough and left it all behind to start a new life elsewhere. While heading towards his destination, he stumbled upon an item, one that had been lost to time for the past 30 years, and yet would unlock many things the world had never seen before. With this newly acquired power to call his own, Naruto will take on the world one place at a time