
  • Neon Genesis Megami Tensei - Of Knowledge and Life

    Knowledge and Life. Long ago, they were one in the same, until they were separated for eons. As the laws the have kept these powers apart wither away, humanity is faced with two wars that must be won, that of heaven and hell, which leads the paths of the Third Child and the Nahobino to converge as the war for humanity and the Throne begins.

  • Neon Genesis Megami Tensei - Of Knowledge and Life

    Knowledge and Life. Long ago, they were one in the same, until they were separated for eons. As the laws the have kept these powers apart wither away, humanity is faced with two wars that must be won, that of heaven and hell, which leads the paths of the Third Child and the Nahobino to converge as the war for humanity and the Throne begins.

  • Black Eagles Parent Teacher Interviews

    When he was enlisted as a teacher for the Officers Academy, Byleth believed he was able to overcome any problem that faced him or his students. That was until he came to realise the horrible truth - He needed to perform parent teacher interviews for every student. Can he get through them without offending an entire nation? Which parent will he have to fight the urge to strangle?