
  • Eitherys High

    After her father gets a job in Old Sharlayan, Surr is forced to move - which she doesn't mind. Yet, on the first day at the new school, she makes a mistake that has... interesting consequences. Modern-day/Future - High school - Explicit content & language

  • The Perfect Day

    The day is perfect – from the very beginning. Second/Third PoV This is a BAD ENDING for Endwalker - read on your own risk!

  • The List

    The disbanding of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn leads Surr, the Warrior of Light, to consider her options for using her new freedom - and prompts her to make a list of things she wanted to do once she's a simple adventurer again... And that makes her realize something that simply blows her mind - and has *interesting* consequences. /Explicit/

  • Dreamscape

    G'raha Tia was five years old when he first met his imaginary friend inside a dream. Surr was five years old when she first met her soulmate inside the Dreamscape. Each night since then they're inseparable - in dreams at least. Growing up together, learning and sharing the 'real' experiences, and waiting for when they're 'big enough' to find each other when they're awake...

  • Stuck in another World

    Getting stuck inside an MMORPG wasn't as fun as one may expect. So after two years of working as waitress in Gridania, Surr decides to visit Old Sharlayan to get a peek at her favorite NPC - G'raha Tia! This can't end bad, right? *also on AO3*

  • Smart men can be stupid too

    Eavesdropping isn't a nice thing to do... but sometimes it can have an interesting results. Or at least in this case, G'raha Tia finds out something surprising about his friend. Because, yeah, smart guys can be dumb, too

  • Adventures in Crystal

    A slight change in a surprise meeting leads to a VERY different outcome.

  • Different Meetings

    Surr, Miqo'te Scion of Seventh Dawn, long before becoming known as Warrior of Light, travels to Old Sharlayan and ends up meeting a certain Seeker with red-cyan eyes. Obvious ensues o.

  • Change AUs

    A place for a collection of works connected to "Change" series Sort of "What if" scenarios

  • Honest Lies

    What if... G'raha Tia got kit-napped from Old Sharlayan and landed in an unexpected place. Mostly a funny take on the idea of him growing up with WoL :3

  • Trip to Another World

    In Ultima Thule, after his sacrifice, G'raha Tia wakes up on Earth. How and why, he have no idea. Only thing he cares about is to get back to his world and friends, and rejoin their fight... until unthinkable happens, and he finds someone he almost lost hope of finding. Counterpart/AU to "Stuck in Another World" but can be read separately.

  • Change Part 3 - Never Alone

    Surr, G'raha and Scions take on Fandaniel's plot of destruction, none wiser where it'll lead. AU retelling of "Endwalker"

  • Change Part 2 - Change of Plans

    Meeting in the Rift doesn't go according to Exarch's plans. He didn't predict that Surr will recognize him instantly or how will that affect his plans. Shadowbringers, with a twist :3

  • First Impressions

    For Surr, Warrior of Light, meeting G'raha Tia meant instant fascination. *also on AO3*