Random guy on the internet

  • Harbinger hot pot

    (Written in 2020) Remember that one conversation in the game where Hilda tells alto about the harbingers eating hot pot? Well i made it into a nice fanfiction and I hope you like it. Say what you think i guess. yay. (By the way i love this game way too damn much, just sayin.)

  • Reduced to me

    Akari has a midlife crisis the Netflix adaption. Warning: very not PG13 themes up in here. (also i say Akari rather than Akira for some reason try not to question it.)

  • Lucky star Halloween story

    (Written in 2018) A Lucky star fanfiction I wrote for a contest. Kind of cring tho

  • Mikan's last Christmas

    (Written in 2021) Soo this was something i was working on for Christmas but then I gave up on it but then I didn't so here's a cool epic backstory story thing about our precious Mikan. Disclaimer: Its a tad bit gory n stuff and has some naughty language here and there and is just a tad suggestive at some venues, but overall it pretty pg pogchamps.