
  • The Disgrace

    The Schreave family line has been the most powerful people for centuries. In a world with magic, that is hard to keep up. So when King Diaboli was expecting a son, he wanted a powerful one. However, wishes do not always come true. FEMALE SELECTION (OPEN)

  • Les murs en vous

    After the third world war, the government was in shambles. To become stronger, the people of the high counsel decided to train teenagers to become soldiers. Each project was given a name. This project; Project Illea. 16 teenagers between the ages of 13 to 19 have to survive with threats outside the walls, and also try to escape. Will they survive? What happens then?

  • Stars against the Universe

    The Kingdom of Avarion had been at peace with magic users for hundreds of years before King Hyland came of age to rule. He was only nineteen when he announced the order that all magic users should be eradicated. Now, magic users have to be on the run from law enforcement. Can a ragtag team of teenagers/young adults that have nothing to lose possibly survive? (SYOC Open)