
  • Color by Numbers

    Lily Evans was everything that Sirius Black was not: studious, rule-abiding, and so unfailingly good. And Sirius was everything Lily knew she was but didn't want to be: temperamental, judgmental, and stubborn. But for the sake of one James Potter, the two had to find a way to get along.

  • But You Haven't Lost Me Yet

    AU. The war with Voldemort comes and goes, and James and Lily find themselves struggling to put the pieces of their broken lives back together.

  • All This Waiting For The Sky To Fall

    They found her body – broken, bleeding, face filled with signs of pain and fear, and the Death Eaters had clearly enjoyed what they were doing – amidst the rubble of a ruined book store. A tragedy in five parts.

  • How I Met Your Mother

    James decides it is time to tell Harry the story of how he and Lily met and fell in love. Unfortunately, his recollection of their initial meeting and subsequent interactions seems to be quite different from Lily's.

  • While You Tell Me Stories

    Slightly AU. As their final year at Hogwarts ends and they are forced out of school, James and Lily find that the real world presents challenges they hadn't been expecting and problems they don't know how to overcome.

  • Where You End and I Begin

    And James was walking on air, floating through his own life. Everything was wonderful and spectacular and fantastic and Sirius was happy for him – really.

  • Epithet

    She'd listen with abated breath to the nicknames others gave her, hoping she'd find the answers in them. In all her short life, she'd been called many different things, and she was determined that at least one of them would fit.

  • Fool Me Twice

    Lily Evans is pretty, intelligent, vivacious… and accused of murder. James Potter is privileged, arrogant, and conceited… and her best chance at avoiding Azkaban. If only he wasn't convinced of her guilt.