• Rise of the Telumancer

    Way of the Warrior Response: Albus left Harry to become an abused martyr who'd walk to his death…or so he thought! Someone else was there that night, who wants to make the Boy-Who-Lived the warrior he was born to be. Grey Superpowerful Harry/Susan; Sirius/OFC;

  • The Time of Ice and Shadow

    When Harry arrives for the Midnight Duel, he finds more than just Malfoy's trap waiting for him. He also finds the keys to the kingdom: one he is supposed to rule. Grey Superpowerful Harry; Betrothed-Haphne

  • Saviour, Champion, Lord, Master

    I'll Do Anything Response: Alone in darkness, Harry is introduced to the pleasures of having power over those who gladly take the knee by someone who sees the Apex Predator behind his Avada-Kedavra-green eyes. Praise Him! Worship Him! And Fear Him! For you created Him! VERY Dark/Evil Super Harry/Romilda

  • Beware My Power!

    Voldemort didn't want to kill Harry. Instead, he sought to do something worse, with a much darker ambition. But there's one thing he should have remembered: where Harry Potter's concerned, nothing goes according to plan. Evil Godlike Harry/Fleur/Gabrielle

  • Snakes and Ladders

    Harry's threatened to kill someone. Hermione knows she should try and talk him down, get him to change his mind and find another way, but she can't. She's always believed in his greatness and, if this is how he unlocks it, then so be it. Dark Super Harry; Angelic-Harmony;

  • Harry Potter: The Dark King

    What's happened to the world? Harry wakes up one seemingly-ordinary morning, only…something's different. The world has changed, his family is alive and…what else? Oh yes, people are calling him things like Master, King and Lord, as he now rules the world. Dark/Evil Super/OP Harry (Sporadic updates)

  • The Definition Of Insanity

    Some say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. But I think it's safe to say that, to sum up the definition of insanity, you need only three words: Harry. James. Potter. Evil Insane, OP Harry (Crack-fic)

  • You Should Not Have Sent Me Back

    The Holiday's Over Response: Harry has to go back to Privet Drive, he said. It's where he's safest, he said. He will understand that it's all for the Greater Good, he said. Oh Albus: after all these years, do you ever get tired of being wrong? Dark/Evil Powerful Harry; Pairings TBD (NOT SLASH)

  • Now I've Got A Fire In My Belly

    The Fire Within Response: Make no bones about it: Harry Potter has a power that never seems to be able to be extinguished, and his eyes have this glow of a sleeping dragon tickled. But I'm sure it's just his natural charm, right? Grey Super/OP Harry/Harem; Good Dumbledore; (Combo of ideas: SEE FIRST CHAPTER FOR ADDED INFO!)

  • A Crown of Black Upon His Head

    While one Black chose vengeance, another Black sought the means to defy Destiny. Now, Harrison James Potter-Black comes to Hogwarts, out for justice, with an army behind him: an army named Arcturus Septimus Black! Dark Powerful Harry; Grey Dumbledore; Contracted-Haphne;

  • Harry Potter: A Dark God Rises

    To this very day, nobody can explain it. Nobody can define it. Nobody can begin to comprehend what it meant. All they know was that, on the day the Dark Lord Voldemort fell, the Dark Side gazed upon their lord's vanquisher and bowed down in worship! VERY Dark/Evil God Harry; Dark Hansy

  • Once A Hero, Now? Your Worst Nightmare

    Sentenced to Azkaban for Cedric's murder, Harry Potter found himself: and what he found was not a hero. Nor was it a villain. It wasn't even a Dark Lord of Voldemort-level quality. No, it was something much, much worse! Evil OP Harry/Bellatrix/Multi;

  • Secrets of the Fourth Champion

    Years ago, Harry Potter discovered a secret. One that he thought would help make things better. But then, fear and doubt forced him to hide his secret, even from his friends. Now, Death's sick game has forced him to decide it's time to stop hiding. Grey OP Harry/Harem

  • Harry Potter and the Avatar of Dragons

    New Powers Response: On a very different first visit to Diagon Alley, Harry discovered the doorway to a power that can make him a true hero, if only he can first learn how to control the power of a sleeping dragon tickled. Grey OP Harry/Luna/Fleur; Good Dumbledore (Slight XOver with ATLA/TLK and Fairy Tail)

  • Now I've Got A Fire In My Belly

    The Fire Within Response: Make no bones about it: Harry Potter looks hot! He has a power that never seems to be able to be extinguished, and his eyes have this glow of a sleeping dragon tickled. But I'm sure it's just his natural charm, right? Grey Super/OP Harry/Fleur; Good Dumbledore

  • Harry Potter and the Nine Tails of Heroism

    When Harry survived the Killing Curse, it came with a transformation that changes the future for the Boy-Who-Lived as he learns to embrace true magic, find love and family, and understand who he is and what he can do. Learn fast, Little Kit, and soon! Grey OP Creature-Harry/Gabrielle/Fleur; Good Dumbledore

  • I Am the Sleeping Dragon

    Based on my Forget-Me-Not Challenge: Lockhart's attempt to take credit for the Chamber worked, but not as expected. Instead, Harry Potter lost something that's replaced by a strange, new, but familiar face. One that calls itself Damian Drake! Dark Superpowerful Harmony

  • Hunting For A Hero

    Something really strange happened to Harry, but nobody can figure out why it happened: was it the Killing Curse? His birth? His legacy? Or is it the hands of Fate working in very unusual ways? Whatever it is, Harry knows this much: he's going to become the Alpha of his own destiny. Grey Powerful Harry/Tonks; Good Dumbledore

  • Let the Games Begin

    'Welcome, Harry James Potter! You are about to enter a world where nothing is what it seems! Where friends and foes await you at every turn! And where you have it within you to grow into a truly great hero, or a terrible evil! Welcome, Harry Potter, to the world of a GAMER' Grey Super/OP Harry; Gamer-Harry; Pairings TBD

  • Harrison Peverell: Imperator Mortis

    Harry James Potter: the only one with the power to survive the impossible. But what is this power? Love? Sacrifice? Magic most unknown? Or could there be a much darker, more-terrifying truth to it? If the Killing Curse didn't kill him, what did it do? Evil Godlike Harry/Tonks/Luna/Fleur (RATED M FOR A REASON: SEE FIRST CHAPTER FOR WARNINGS!)