• A Secret That Only Fire Can Tell

    Son of the Dragon Response: When Harry was consumed by fire in the First Task, a lot of people prayed he was going to be all right. Little did they know their prayers would go answered and, like a phoenix, Harry would rise from the ashes, wielding powers greater than ever before. Grey Super Harry; Good Dumbledore;

  • Harry Potter: Revelations

    When Lily Potter learned an impossible truth, she called it a miracle. If only she knew: years later, our hero gains four new friends who seem intent on helping him become all he can be. Friends who even go so far as to kneel before him and call him Master: why? Dark/Evil OP Harry;

  • The Other Side

    "Don't you want to get away to a whole new part you're going to play, because I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride to the other side." Sounds a little like an offer made from one rival to another, doesn't it? Well, this time, Harry does the right thing: he accepts! Dark Powerful Harry/Pansy;

  • He Came From The Sea

    Harry Snow Response: He was supposed to be a gift, born with the power to restore ancient allegiances. Such a shame nobody warned him about the ego of one who claims he is not his son. Very well, if he isn't to be their beginning, he will be their end. Dark/Evil Super Harry/Tonks;

  • Hawkeye Apollo Potter

    Emerald Arrow Response: Contrary to popular belief, the Dursleys didn't abuse Harry: they were perfectly content pretending he didn't exist, not caring about where he was or what he did, as long as they didn't have to get involved. Maybe they should have paid more attention to him. Grey Powerful Harry; Good Dumbledore;

  • Blood of the Dragon

    It's the start of another year at Hogwarts, but something's wrong with Harry. He's changed, and not in a good way: he's a lot colder, darker, more-independent, more-unforgiving and he looks at you like he wants to eat you for lunch. VERY Dark/Evil OP Harry/Tonks

  • Harry Potter: The Reverse-Voldemort

    "You possess many of the qualities Voldemort himself has. Determination, resourcefulness and if I may say so, a certain disregard for the rules." Oh, you're wrong about Harry, Dumbledore: he's nothing like Voldemort at all: some would say he's the Reverse. Grey Super Harry; Good-Dumbledore

  • The Lone Wolf of Hogwarts

    The Dursleys did a good job raising Harry: a little too good, if you know what I mean. Harry is nothing like the picture of a hero that the Magical World expects, nor is he the want they'll want. But he's the one they're going to need. Dark Harry

  • Picasso With A Razor

    Unforgivable Power/The Cleansing Cross-Response: Seamus really shouldn't have challenged Harry, especially when our fallen idol of a hero has a rabid dragons' nest worth of rage bubbling up inside of him. Have you forgotten, Seamus? Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus. Evil Superpowerful Harry

  • Trick or Treat

    The sky is blue. The grass is green. Harry Potter is the King of Halloween. His powers came alive on October thirty-one. Now all he really wants to do is have some fun. Grey/Dark OP Harry/Luna;

  • A Nightmare in Hogwarts

    Everyone goes to sleep, has dreams and nightmares. Everyone, that is, save for Harry James Potter. Harry doesn't sleep; he is sleep. Harry doesn't dream; he is Dreams. Harry doesn't have nightmares; he is Nightmare. Dark/Evil OP Harry;

  • Lord Harrison James Potter: Last of His Name

    Magical Aid Response: The Dark Lord Voldemort has fallen and the world bears witness to the dawn of a new, better age of truth, justice and freedom. However, they should be wary for out there on the horizon, storm clouds are gathering. Grey Super Harry/Neville; GOOD Dumbledore;

  • Harry Potter and the Guardian of Hogwarts

    Harry Potter is so much more than just the Boy-Who-Lived and the Last Potter: he just doesn't know it yet. Grey Superpowerful Harry; Good Dumbledore; (Pairings TBD)

  • Red: The Colour of Family

    Dumbledore made the right choice by not sending Harry to live with the Dursleys. Instead, he entrusted the boy's future to some close friends who will prove exactly how your House can be like your Family. Good Powerful Harry; Good Weasleys/Dumbledore;

  • To Live Will Be An Awfully Big Adventure

    Wrath of The Sun Deity's Eta No Life Response: Everything that is Light has a Darkness. Everything that is Darkness has a Light. So, using that logic, one would assume that, if there is a Master of Death, there must surely be a Master of Life, right? Grey Super/OP Creature-Harry; Lunar-Harmony; Good Dumbledore;

  • Harry Constantine: The Demon's Apprentice

    Lily Potter was willing to do anything, be anything, sacrifice anything and risk everything for her only son. It's just too bad the wrong ears got wind of this. However, those ears and their owner is about to learn why Potters don't do normal. Dark Super/OP Creature Harry;

  • Path of the Chosen One

    ACI100's The Heir of The Light Response: His birth? Impossible to explain: his survival? Impossible to describe: his destiny? Impossible to predict: the question is: who is Harry Potter? Someone good? Evil? Something more? Impossible to say; Light/Grey Super/OP Harry/OFC; Slow burn; Good Dumbledore;

  • Dark Ace: A Destroyer Returns

    Tempest Novastorm's Dark Master Response: When Voldemort was destroyed, they chose to believe they were rid of the Dark Lord. But what they don't realise is something much darker was born that night with a hunger to see the world of magic fall before him. VERY Dark/Evil OP Harry/Astoria/Daphne;

  • Would You Bleed for Me?

    The Age of Blood Response: Being locked in the school is the worst thing any kid can imagine, right? Wrong, especially when that kid is Harry James Potter. As we all know, where he's concerned, it can always get worse. Dark/Evil OP/MoD/Vampire-Harmony;

  • An Old Comrade, A New Destiny

    Sirius is dead. The world is back to thinking he's a hero. Dumbledore's still keeping him in the dark. His friends are basically Order members. Harry feels like he can't escape: however, someone seems to disagree and they have a gift for Harry to prove it. Dark Powerful Harry/OFC;