
  • A Peculiar Shade of Coral

    A series of drabbles; a relationship told in emotions. Minerva explores her relationship with Hermione as a collection of moments. Post-Hogwarts, not perfectly compliant to DH epilogue - that is, she and Ron divorced three or four years before it. MM/HG.

  • No One

    No one knows Luna... femmeslash LL/HG, nothing graphic. Drabble.

  • Blue Eyes, Red Hair

    What makes these two young women fearless? Double drabble, LL/GW.

  • Transparent

    MM/HG drabble. Deliberately ambiguous as to which one is speaking about which... to emphasize the similarities between them.

  • It's Sort Of A Deal

    Young Bellatrix and Narcissa's different views of their relationship. Warnings: chanslash, incest, implied abuse. BB/NB double drabble.

  • Intimacy

    Hermione ponders her ever-growing intimacy with Minerva. MM/HG drabble.

  • Unlikely Seduction

    Harry wakes up next to someone completely unexpected. MM/HP, post-Hogwarts.

  • The Witness

    Parvati recounts Hermione's long-term crush on everyone's favorite Professor. Begins during OOtP, later becomes a romance, always narrated by Parvati. Told in short anecdotes. Rating may change, or not. MM/HG.

  • Compliance

    A confused Andromeda tries to rationalize Narcissa's devotion to Bellatrix. Warnings: reference to abuse, chanslash, implied incest. BB/NB drabble.

  • Distractions

    Hermione is distracting herself again. Set in Hermione's sixth year. One-sided MM/HG (femslash and cross-gen), one-shot. Don't read if you can't handle the words for body parts, or if you find consent a turnoff.

  • She Didn't Know Any Better

    Bellatrix recounts the history of her relationship with Narcissa. Warnings: chanslash, incest, questionable consent/implied abuse. BB/NB one-shot.

  • The Last Hurrah

    Rita and Minerva's final encounter. MM/RS drabble, rated M to be safe.

  • Only a Child

    Molly knows Hermione's young, but she can't help herself. Warning: implied chanslash, MW/HG. Drabble.

  • Crazy

    Luna's crazy. But sweet. Drabble, femmeslash LL/PP.

  • The Prefect

    Minerva waits for her prefect in shining armor. Drabble, MM/HG. I tried to be somewhat realistic.

  • Lily's Eyes

    Parody of the song Lily's Eyes from the Secret Garden musical . Snape and McGonagall reminisce about Lily Evans, ten years after her death. Mild LE/SS implications.