

  • You Can Be a Hero in an Age of None

    YCBAH: Jess and Rory haven't spoken since the run-in at Truncheon two years ago. He hasn't heard from her, not a word, since she left on Obama's campaign trail. But when she shows up in the middle of a random Tuesday two years later, what could she want from him this time? (title from Clash song)

  • No Men, Just Lots and Lots of Chinese Food

    NMJCF: What if Rory and Paris had stuck to their guns and really broken up with Logan and Doyle? Would they have painted? (Yes.) Bought a treadmill? (Maybe.) Actually used it? (Probably not Rory, barring a lobotomy...) This story focuses on the friendship between two extraordinary women, who don't need relationships to define or justify their worth. Oh, and Chinese food.