
  • Season 4, time for a wedding!

    Sherlock and John have finally admitted they were in love with one another and now they are in a relationship that goes from slow and steady to marriage in .06 seconds, but thats them right? This fic is mostly crack and not much more can be explained without ruining what little plot it has. I promise that the fic is better than the summary. There is Johnlock, so be warned.

  • Anything and Everything is a chair

    There is crime everywhere, some of it extremely hard to solve. Unless you are the great Sherlock Holmes. Though sometimes he gets impatient and just feels the need to sit down, so he does on whatever is closest. Crack fic mostly. Major hints at Johnlock with a small bit of swearing.

  • Somewhere in the Closet

    John and Dean's "heterosexuality" have allowed them to traverse passed the boundaries of Narnia into a land previous unknown to man. Crackness ensues. Destiel and Johnlock, along with swearing. Don't like don't read.