Summoner Lenne10

  • Hallelujah

    Series of RemusTonks ficlets. 1. The moon’s hypocritical rays fell upon his face, adding to his beauty, freeing their prisoner only now. 4.But the idea that this goddess was his. And shortly his truly and forever. Now that was completely incompressible.

  • Who In These Realms of Love

    It would be easy to give up, to the voice calling him in the distance, but he can't, for the sake of the beautiful girl whom he will never let be consumed by the darkness. Challenge fic, RemusTonks, DH

  • Change In Pace

    Nothing like a good sleep-deprived haze to awaken you to the facts of life. At 1:31 A.M. on October 10th Dora Tonks finds out one of the most important facts of her life. And promptly freaks out. And trips, and passes out. As is life. OOTP-era, R/T

  • Awfully Silly

    If Luna could concentrate for more than a few moments at a time she could perhaps see what is right in front of her. NevilleLuna, HBP