Sarah McLearing

  • Love is just a downfall

    Severus didn’t look disturbed, even though he was chained to a chair and interrogated for several days. “Don’t you like it anymore? Please tell me if I’m annoying you Shacklebolt, I’d love to know,” Severus said seductively. A mocking glint in his eyes.

  • My Favourite Toy

    Her hand made contact with his face, leaving a red mark on his cheek. “Stupid hag,” the man muttered as the woman ran her hands down her slender figure, almost as though she hadn’t done a thing.

  • A last farewell

    Een gure wind blies over het kerkhof en verkilde de groep mensen die zwijgend neerkeken op een zwarte kist. Langzaam zakte de kist omlaag en een gesmoorde snik ontsnapte aan een blonde vrouw haar lippen.

  • My Life

    I closed my eyes, trying to block out the horrifying images that had crossed my path. Realizing that something like that wasn’t possible, they had engraved themselves in my mind. Replaying them like a record that was broken, but forgotten to be replaced.

  • Before Harry Potter lived A James and Lily tale

    James houdt van Lily, maar Lily niet van James. Het verhaal van Harry's ouders. Hoe ze bij elkaar zijn gekomen. Welke ongelukjes ze op school hebben gehad en natuurlijk Voldemort.

  • The Serpents Kiss

    It was rape. I’m sure of it. Yet, years later I’m confused by my own memories and reactions. When his hand are moving over my body, I forget about my past. I don’t know if this is what I want but I can’t run. He will find me now that the secret is out.

  • Leave

    Een kille wind gleed langs Arthur Wemel heen en de jonge man, met de rode haren keek met een ruk op. De oorlog die heerste had hem voorzichtig gemaakt, het moest ook wel anders kon hij zo vermoord worden.

  • Pretending

    “Dun I know ya?” he asked, in yet another green puff of smoke and the other man made a face. “We’ve met before,” he answered some time later, almost hesitant. “Dun know ya no more, let me buy ya a drink lat.”

  • Magic Moonlight

    Every time it feels like shedding my skin and losing myself in a dark pit, somewhere in my body. The pain seems to tear me apart, no drug can make it go away.

  • Crashing down

    “I hope you brought parchment and a quill, mister Weasley,” he whispered slowly as the enraged boy looked at him. He enjoyed taunting the boy, his temper was flaring so quickly, it even made Severus’ pulse quicken.

  • Your Precious Potion

    Random Oneshot. Slughorn needs Severus to help him with a potion, that has been haunting him in his dreams, but is there more to it?

  • Tears, Kisses and a Broken Heart

    Random Oneshot. Ron broke Hermione's Heart, and Molly helps her, the only way she knows at that moment.

  • Just to keep her safe

    Random Oneshot. Mad Eye found a way to keep his daughter save. Well, he's right, safer isn't possible

  • He doesn't Know

    Random Oneshot. Peter has a dark secret, but hides it from the Dark Lord, for he does not know..

  • Comfort in Lost Souls

    Random Oneshot. Draco died, hit by a car. Lucius mourns over his son and finds comfort in a place he had never expected it...

  • Barely out of Reach

    Just a Random OneShot. Severus en Tonks made a mistake, but find out there's more to it then they'll ever realize...

  • A Powerfull Weapon

    Just a random OneShot, Severus thinks Bellatrix isn't worthy to help the Dark Lord, untill he finds out she's truly a Powerfull Weapon...