
bellatrix's bloodlust

  • Body Like a Pineapple

    Filch really had never been good with women.

  • Appreciating Muggle Food

    Ron isn't entirely convinced by the Muggle treat Hermione brings home.

  • Owl Takeout

    Harry's new business idea is a bit...strange. Complete and utter crack.

  • Te Amo

    A run-in with some tourists is an eye-opener for Dr. Granger. Complete and utter crack.

  • Why?

    She has done many terrible things, so why is it you want her so badly?

  • Differences

    Both Harry and Voldemort knew it was possible they could die tonight.

  • Who Has to Know?

    Horace, Tom, and their dirty little secret.

  • Frozen

    Even though he knew it was merely a boggart, it still froze him in place.