

  • The Kitchen Incident

    What happened in the kitchen to get Rubicon (along with Tech, Thunder, and Bone) in so much trouble? And How will they handle their punishment?

  • Chronicles of the USS Avenger- Episode 1-The Adventure Begins

    After the Kelvin incident Starfleet develops a new Avengers Program. On the USS Avenger are the children of heroes. This is their story. In Episode one as they settle into the academy, they track down a man only known as Hope Killer. Who is he? How high will his body count go? And most importantly, will they find him before he finds them, or will their first year be their last?

  • Corbin Neramani

    AU. Waking up after his going insane cousin threw him into a stasis pod, Corbin finds himself being taken in by these three (in his opinion crazy) girls. Will Actaeon Lamia, Inna Makatza, and Laura Kinney be able to get him his throne back without driving him crazy? Or should he just accept going crazy as inevitable? Whichever way it goes hold on because its going to a bumpy ride.

  • Acteon Vs The FOH

    Takes place before Corbin. Explains why Inna is so shy right now, why Actaeon was exploring the woods, why no one found Corbin before and why Laura lives with the group. Warning Inna gets captured by the FOH. X-men shows up only to take away bad guys at end. Was orginonally written for Senior year Lit Class.