
why dont the bad guys win

  • Darth Maul's Revenge

    If you thought Darth Maul died then you are as ignorant as the Jedi! He is very much alive and his hatred for the Jedi ever stronger. In this story you will follow Obi-wans journey as he realises the sithlord Darth Maul has the power to overthrow the Republic. Will he be able to defeat him once and for all or will Maul be coming back for even more?

  • Requiem Aeternam

    (Requiem Aeternam: Portal in Latin.) Jenn doesn't see much point in anything, and wishes for action and adventure in her life to at least make it entertaining and to her surprise; her wish is given to her as she finds a portal to many worlds. This Portal can lead to loads of movies. To read other movies check out my Deviant Art but this one is on The Hunchback Of Notre Dame.