
kuragari nikkou

  • Silly Fairy Tale

    Sir Natsume of the famed Tsuchimikado knights must rescue the fair princess Harutora from the villainous ogre, Touji! Or something like that. Look inside for other warnings! AU Crackfic?

  • When Cloud Comes Back

    Leon finds himself a bit more shaken than he thought he'd be after Cloud's departure to fight Sephiroth. Tron attempts to help him. LeonXCloud. Look inside for other warnings.

  • Smash Support

    It is both Robins' destiny to have every playable character fall in love with them. Smash Bros. will come to regret their roster decision. Look inside for other warnings. Het, slash, and femslash. Crack. Chapter Index is in back if you're looking for a specific character, but don't scroll all the way down unless you want to get spoiled.

  • What Visits Lead To

    Vyse shows off his new crew, Aika and Fina tell a story, nearly everyone gets drunk, and Luke plays Cat's Cradle with Kalifa. Just another extraordinary day. Look inside for warnings.

  • How Dare You

    Why? Of all people to come back, why did it have to be YOU instead of...? Look inside for warnings. No pairing, just friendship.

  • Home Again

    Avan returns to Mellvere and tells his mother about what happened in Lanseal.