Elodie Snape

  • From Parchment, I Found You

    For me, life after Captain James Nicholls was simple- it would never exist. I willingly gave up...and yet, all that changed when the major of his regiment came to tall. A tale beginning at the conclusion of the Great War, and of the ending Major Stuart should have been given.

  • Not What I Wanted What I Needed

    I had no one- and so Tenzin sought out the Chief of Poice, Lin Beifong, to see to my protection whilst Amon still threatened Republic City. Little did I know that by doing so, I would gain one of the most important people in my life. My name is Kailyn Hsiao, and I am going to learn what it takes to be a Beifong.

  • Lethal Moonlight

    The last thing I expected was to have Remus J. Lupin show up at my family's inn- let alone him be an actual person. Nonetheless, I could not help but place myself close to him in the hopes of having him love me as I did him.

  • Change

    The second installment of Kailyn Hsiao-Beifong's tale following "Not What I Wanted..." The conclusion of Harmonic Convergence brought about a change not only for the world, but also my family. This would challenge everything I had believed.

  • Finding Fire

    A prelude of sorts to "Strange Love Found in a Strange Land." How different would the conclusion of Thorin Oakenshield's quest be if an Avatar was among his company? Will Lyra be able to get past her own past to overcome her greatest failure as the Avatar?

  • A Night of a Thousand Suns

    The second one-shot before Kailyn's sequel. This was it- I was going to tell Bolin how I felt.

  • A Misunderstanding

    "I wanted to make Lin proud...more than anything. What would my mother say when I told her I did not want to join the force?" One of two one-shots leading up to the sequel. A little romance.

  • After All That Time?

    Taken from a picture that I saw on a Facebook Harry Potter page, what awaited Severus Snape after he passed on? AU- warning DH

  • Found

    I, Hermione Granger, had gotten lost in the Forbidden Forest, and instead of finding Death, I found someone who should have been dead for over a year, but here he was staring at me with amber eyes.

  • The Fiancé

    My parents and I were miserable at a party with my wretched relatives. Just when I had had enough, I heard my mum scream at my aunt that I was engaged to be married...to my best friend and ex-professor, Remus J. Lupin. Well that was news to me.